Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The end of the world.

La fin du monde
PfffPOP…pop the cork on this Belgian style golden ale from Canada, and you’ll set loose bottled up aromas of tangerine, shortbread, almonds, tarragon and ginger. Gazing in at this nearly orange beer you’ll find it has little bubbles reminiscent of those found in champagne, and at 9% abv it goes down way to easy. La fin du monde has flavors of caramel green apples, and toasted-buttered banana bread. A great ale for the holiday season…if this is the End of the world sign me up, I’m ready!
To all my loyal readers, I've been really quite busy lately; I've been preparing for a move. I know it's only been two weeks since my last post but it has seemed like forever.
I promise many more frequent and lengthy posts in the near future.
The Gastronome.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sourdough, part two: Bread & following your instincts.

Fresh warm sourdough bread and sweet creamy butter, a warm house and a cup of tea...life is good!

I finally found time to make my homemade sourdough the other day, it was well worth it. It came out pretty good for my first attempt; soft slightly chewy with a crispy crust. Although I did have to divert from the recipe a little, and in doing so used up all of poor Hugh (my starter, evidently you have to name them). You see the recipe I followed called for much too little liquid...but I trusted in it, and followed it anyway. Some times you have to follow your instinct and do what you feel is right, even in baking.
So I was trying to knead life into the dry dough as it was turning into sawdust before me, and decided that pursuit was futile.

I then proceeded to follow my instincts and made the dough again this time adding more liquid, and the rest of my first starter, Hugh. This is more like it I thought, a nice gluttonous pillow of dough formed before me, soft yet elastic. I kneaded it to life and after leting it rise for a couple of hours baked it into the beautiful loaf above. I may have to stop buying my bread and become somewhat of a baker.